Danish H2O Leads the Way – Achieves the Nordic Swan Ecolabel for Sportswear

As the first Danish sports brand ever, H2O Sportswear has just achieved certification with the official Nordic environmental label, the Nordic Swan Ecolabel. This certification marks the company's commitment to leading the green transition.

Full press release in danish here

For many years, H2O has had a mission to integrate a more responsible approach to clothing production across the company. As part of this effort, they have now achieved certification with the Nordic Swan Ecolabel. The certification currently covers sweatshirts, shorts, and t-shirts.

"The Nordic Swan Ecolabel represents a promise of responsibility and quality, not only to our customers but also to ourselves," says Christian Trads, CEO of H2O Sportswear. "Achieving this certification is the culmination of two years of intensive collaboration, learning, and development. It is an important step in our mission to become a leading company in responsible fashion."

With the Nordic Swan Ecolabel, it becomes easier for consumers to make more environmentally conscious choices, as they can be assured that the t-shirt or shorts, they hold in their hands meet some of the strictest requirements in the entire industry.

"What makes the Nordic Swan Ecolabel unique is its ability to ensure that every aspect of our product, from raw materials to waste management, meets high environmental standards. This gives our customers increased security and confidence in the products they choose," explains Christian Trads.

A victory that has also required effort

Achieving the certification has not been without its challenges – an acknowledgement that makes the achievement even greater. Along the way, suppliers, the Nordic Swan Ecolabel, and H2O have had to work focused and in close dialogue to reach the goal.

"For example, our supplier had to ensure that their subcontractors were prepared to deliver the necessary improvements and documentation required for the certification. In this way, the certification is not only for our customers' sake but has also become a confirmation of our long-term commitment to our suppliers," explains Christian Trads.

Director of Ecolabelling Denmark, Martin Fabiansen, acknowledges the great effort and is pleased that a well-known brand like H2O is leading the way and fighting to create a more sustainable fashion and textile industry.

"The textile industry is recognised as one of the major climate culprits, and there is an urgent need for green transition. Therefore, it is incredibly impressive and important that a well-known Danish sports brand is leading the way as a good example and working purposefully to reduce environmental and climate impacts. And I hope that more companies will follow suit," says Martin Fabiansen.

The Nordic Swan Ecolabel is one of the world's strictest environmental certifications and looks at the entire product journey – from raw materials to waste. This means that the requirements are set where they make the biggest difference for the environment and climate, thus minimising the environmental impact from production and consumption. At the same time, an independent third party ensures that the products meet the Nordic Swan Ecolabel's requirements for, among other things, climate, chemicals, circular economy, and biodiversity, making it safe for consumers to navigate by. H2O's decision to pursue this certification highlights the company's holistic approach to more responsible production that goes beyond conventional standards.

"Achieving this certification is a big step for H2O Sportswear, but it is only the beginning. We are committed to continuing to improve and innovate so that we can offer our customers responsible quality products," concludes Christian Trads.

Full press release in english here